Know How is not enough
Knowledge is often defined as know-how. However that is not enough, not even close.
Know-how has no value without know-what.
Your know-what is your purpose, your goal. It is of no use to know how to make a top notch car running on steam in an era of fossil fuels a.k.a. petrol.
So knowledge management would then be, managing the know-what and the know-how and in that order.
Wrong again.
So what does knowledge management entail ?
Google search on knowledge management brings up more then 84.000.000 results.
A good source for knowledge management is Brint, claiming to be the World's No. 1 Resource for Knowledge Management.
This will still leave you puzzeled and overwhelmed.
Lets proceed.
We established one part of the puzzle, know-what & know-how.
But the know-what changes due to competition, markets and customer demand, your goal is a moving target.
So you need to adapt to the changes.
The problem is that you are still a follower, you are eating dust. Better still, is to make dust. You set the rules, you define the what.
You are an innovator, let the others eat your dust.
You're not home free yet. The nature of change changes, the way we innovate is been innovated. So in that whole process of know-what & know-how, adaption and innovation you'll have to learn.
Next time round is more challenging and you'll need to do it faster and different.
You'll have to cover all 4 tiers to be a winner... again and again.
My 4-tier knowledge management model

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