Friday, February 26, 2010

Doing the right disruptive things

What would be the governance framework for disruptive innovation?
By definition disruptive and governance don't match.
So how do you know you doing the right thing vs doing things right.
This is what I use, to probe if I'm onto something and if I'm on the right track.

1. You are ridiculed (start)
You'll be called an idiot, people will start laughing and pointing at you

- Peers will start ducking for cover or rush-out because they don't want to be associated with you
- The more brave will worn you you are playing with your reputation
- The experienced authority will give fatherly advice and try to steer you gently toward best practices

2. You are violently opposed (Initial successes)
You'll be threatened with sacking, demotion. People will be mad at you , start boycotting you and blame you

3. It's all self-evident (success)
You'll be happy , enthusiastically telling everybody how it works , how simple and elegant the design is etc.
The reply will be "What fuzz all about I could have done it myself if I hadn't more important things to do"

Just before it becomes a hit. People (managers) will step up push you aside because "it has to be managed properly", They'll make presentations as if the whole idea was theirs, They will tell people "yes He was involved, but I had to manage him hard otherwise this thing would have gone nowhere"

- No one will ridicule you if you conform to the old model
- No one will threaten you if you are not a threat to the old model
- It's a hit if the old model champions down-play the novelty but eagerly want to jump on to the new band wagon.

Happy hunting !

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The 4 forces of disruptive innovation

"There is nothing more surprising then the human imagination"

There are 4 forces of disruptive innovation

1. Scaling in the industrial age 1910-1970- scaling stock by efficiencies (atoms)
e.g. scaling production - efficiencies based repetition & commodities .. GM, kodak, coca cola, Gillette

2. Scaling in the information age 1980 -2000- scaling flow by combining (bits)
e.g. scaling speed by uniformity - like ERP single platform and the young internet .

3. Scaling in a knowledge age 2000-2012 - scaling novelty by distribution (brains)
e.g. scaling by diversity - wisdom of crowds -more is different - facilitating distributed brains around a good concept, twitter

4. Scaling in a creativity age 2012-2020 - scaling disruption by mashing (imagination)
e.g. scaling innovation by mashing 1,2 and 3

You'll need all 4 to realize an idea (imagination) by the speeds of light (bits) against a price close to zero (atoms)

You want to see it action ?